Why do you do what you do?
Well it depends:
With my poetry and my music I want to create connection and community by sharing how I feel, telling my story, anecdotes, plant seeds— sometimes we feel alone or isolated, but ultimately, most of our experiences are relatable to someone, I think. It is important to open up and tell others they are not alone. You never know who is watching and maybe someone will feel less alone or be inspired to follow their heart’s desire because you did.
With my visual art, it is a little bit different. Creating is very therapeutic for me. Oftentimes, I don’t know what I am going to draw when I pick up a blank piece of paper, I just go with the flow - I let my consciousness wander. I am always really excited about trying new thing and creating harmonious shapes, blend colors together, etc…
Overall, I think of my practices transcendental and a way to heal from my traumas and grow as an individual.